

  Start End
Engineering environment for the design and implementation of automatic control systems
Ministry of Science and Technology
1991 1994
Computer automation of TiO2 production - technological subprocess Hydrolysis
Ministry of Science and Technology
1993 1993
Projects from the area of control technology of industrial processes
Ministry of Science and Technology
1993 1993
Integrated computer control of waste-water treatment plants
Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning
1993 1993
Computer integrated control of waste-water treatment plants
Ministry of Science and Technology
1993 1994
Maintenance of contemporary technologies in the field of system's and process control and their transfer into practice
Ministry of Science and Technology
1993 1994
Rationalisation (optimisation) of combustion processes
Ministry of Economic Affairs
1993 1994
Knowledge, tools and building blocks for systems control - Integrated intelligent control
Ministry of Science and Technology
1993 1995
Economising steam generation and consumption in the production of planking plates
Ministry of Science and Technology
1994 1994
Computer supported integral control of purification facilities
Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning
1994 1994
Boiler Control System - BOCS
Ministry of Science and Technology
1994 1995
Computer control of processing, technology modernisation and increasing throughput in TiO2 surface treatment
Ministry of Science and Technology
1994 1995
Development of direct control of combined heat and power production with gas engines
Ministry of Science and Technology
1994 1995
The preparation of expert foundations for databases
Ministry of Economic Affairs
1994 1995
A rationalisation of incineration processes
Ministry of Economic Affairs
1994 1995
Linking technology and organisation in computer-integrated production
Ministry of Science and Technology
1994 1995
Process fault detection and diagnosis via multiple model based approach
Ministry of Science and Technology
1994 1997
Modern techniques of biological wastewater treatment and integrated impact
assessment and control strategy

Ministry of Science and Technology
Computer control and optimisation of continuous and batch processes
(Study of integrated design and implementation of AI methods)

Ministry of Science and Technology
Computer control and optimisation of continuous and batch processes
Ministry of Science and Technology
Process fault diagnosis by combining qualitative and quantitative approaches
Ministry of Science and Technology
Methodology for specification of computer-supported production control
Ministry of Science and Technology