

  Start End
Computer control of waste-water treatment plant Domzale
CCN Domzale Kamnik
1993 1993
Technology optimisation and computer control of whirling spray granulation
Pliva, Zagreb
1993 1993
Cooperation in setting up the computer control for SiO2 boiling up technological process
Kemijski institut, Ljubljana
1993 1993
Possibilities of implementation of modern control methods in lift industries
Lift Inzeniring, Ljubljana
1993 1993
Computer control of technological subprocess for the preparation of titanium chrystals
Cinkarna Celje
1993 1993
Studies, consulting, transfer and knowledge and experiences from the area of computer aided process control
Cinkarna Celje
1993 1993
System for rationalisation of combustion processes COCOS-92
INEA Domzale
1993 1993
Computer integrated control of central waste-water treatment plant in Ljubljana
Hidroinzeniring, Ljubljana
1993 1993
Estimation of optimal parameters (pressure, O2 concentration) for oxygen control in central waste-water tratment plant Domzale
CCN Domzale-Kamnik
1993 1993
Feasibility study of peak demand levelling in waste-water treatment plant Domzale
INEA Domzale
1993 1993
Completition of batch technological line (RC-84/85)
Cinkarna Celje
1993 1993
Cascade heat exchanger control
RC Pivka, Informacijski inzeniring, Pivka
1994 1994
The modernisation of steam boiler control
Javor Koncern,Pivka
1994 1995
Technology and and organisation links in computer supported production
Javor Koncern, Pivka
1994 1995
Technology and organisation links in computer supported production
Cinkarna Celje
1994 1995
Computer supported control of TiO2 final treatment
Cinkarna Celje
1994 1995
The introduction of a computer supported company management system
Brest-Pohistvo, Cerknica
1994 1995
The modernisation of production by introducing computer automation
Goriske opekarne, Rence-Bilje
1994 1995
Development of direct control of combined heat and power production with gas engines
INEA Domzale
1995 1995
Links Between Technology and Organisation in Computer-Supported Production
Javor-Koncern, Pivka
1995 1995
Computer-supported control of technological sub-processes
Cinkarna Celje
1995 1996
Feasibility study for automation and information of glue factory
Mitol, Sezana
1996 1996
Informatisation of the production level in Poliuretani-Plama
Poliuretani-Plama, Podgrad
1996 1996
Modelling and simulation of a waste-water treatment plant Domzale-Kamnik
CCN Domzale-Kamnik
1996 1997
Integrated computer control of processes on the production & physical levels
INEA, Domzale
1996 1997
Feasibility study for modernisation of production in Goriske opekarne brickwork's
Goriske opekarne, Rence Bilje
1996 1997
Re-engineering of the blow-moulding-machine control system using standard industrial process-control computers
INEA, Domzale
1996 1997
Introduction of control and information technology to production process
Poliuretani-Plama, Podgrad
Requirements analysis for the project: "Introduction of control and information
technology to production process"
Poliuretani-Plama, Podgrad
Modernisation of the polyvinyl acetate glues production
Mitol, Sezana
Feasibility study for computer control of tunnel dryers in brickworks Opekarne Ormoz
Feasibility study for improvement of production using informatisation, automatisation
and optimisation in pharmaceutric factory KRKA

KRKA, Novo mesto
Project documentation for information system for wastewater treatment plant
CCN Domzale-Kamnik
Construction of the multivariable hydraulic laboratory set-up
Faculty of Electrical Engineering Ljubljana