Applied solutions
Computer control of continuous and batch processes:
- implementation of a distributed computer control system
for pulp-cooking control
- implementation of computer control of several
sub-processes in titanium dioxide production
- specifications for the control of fire-resistant mineral
boards production
- specifications for the control of wood planking plates
- specifications for computer control of waste-water
treatment plant
- upgrade of an existing control system using computer
control in a brick plant
- feasibility study for informatization & automatization
of energetics and production in a glue factory
Industrial-boiler control:
- implementation of steam consumption control system in a
pulp and paper plant
- implementation of a control system for a 25 MW steam
boiler with six control loops: load, fuel/air ratio, O2
concentration in flue gases, water level, temperature and
- implementation of a control system for a 45 MW steam
boiler with seven control loops: load, differential
pressure of the burning air, O2 concentration in flue
gases, water level, water temperature, steam temperature
and pressure
- measurement and analysis of load and combustion control
in a thermo power plant (50 MW) with suggestions for
improvement of existing control system
- measurement and analysis of load and combustion control
of recovery boiler (81 MW) in a pulp and paper factory
- feasibility study for computer monitoring of energy
production in a thermo power plant
Other applications
- family of computer supported photospectrometers
- computer system for monitoring the Slovenian electrical
power system
- family of distributed microcomputer-based systems for
elevator traffic control (SMKD1, SMKD2)