A - F | G - I | J - N | O - R | S - U | V - Z |
The bibliography consists of a selection of works from the period 1980 to 1992 and a complete list of references starting with 1993.
Bavdaz,G., N.Hvala in J.Kocijan | (1998). | Strokovno optimalno vodenje arznega reaktorja za cicenje odplak. | Zbornik ERK '98, Portoroz, pp. A: 355-358. |
Balle,P., D.Juricic, A.Rakar, S.Ernst | (1997). | Identification of nonlinear processes and model based fault isolation based on local linear fuzzy models. | Proc. of the American Control Conference, ACC '97, June 4-6, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Vol. 1, pp. 47-51. |
Bastic,S., D.Vrancic | (1997). | Nastavljanje modificiranega PI in PID regulatorja z metodo povrsin. | IJS DP-7799. |
Bitenc,A., J.Cretnik, J.Petrovcic, S.Strmcnik | (1992). | Design and application of an industrial controller. | Computing & Control Engineering Journal, Vol. 3, pp. 29-34. |
Cernetic,J., S.Strmcnik, M.Pokorny, R.Modic | (1980). | Optimization of discrete additions of substrate during the batch biosynthesis of antibiotic. | 3th IFAC Conf. on System Approach for Development, Rabat, pp. 163-170. |
Cernetic,J., S.Strmcnik, F.Bremsak, R.Modic | (1981). | Mathematical model of the batch chemical reactor for optimizing the sequence of reactant additions. | Proc. 1st Conf. "Applied Modelling and Simulation", Lyon, Vol.4, pp. 42-45. |
Cernetic,J., S.Strmcnik, J.Petrovcic, D.Slebinger | (1983). | Laboratory set-up for investigation of thermo-hydraulic control systems. | IEE Int. Conf. Simulators, Brighton, pp. 182-186. |
Cernetic,J. and S.Strmcnik | (1992). | Automation success factors as seen from a developing country. | Proc. IFAC/IMACS/IFIP Workshop on Cultural Aspects of Automation, Krems, pp. 34-41. |
Cernetic,J. | (1993). | Projekt dejavno ucenje avtomatskega vodenja. dopolnilno izobrazevanje po meri nasega gospodarstva. | Delo, Znanje za razvoj, 4. Julij. |
Cernetic,J. and S.Strmcnik | (1993). | Automation in slovenia - some experience and a vision. | Industrial Convention on the Factory of the Future, Toulose, France. |
Cernetic,J., M.Subelj, N.Selic-Podgorsek | (1994). | Batch chemical treatment of TiO2 - process design and control. | Computers chem. Engng., Vol. 18, Suppl., pp. S195-S199. |
Cernetic,J., S.Strmcnik | (1994). | A continuing education project supporting technology transfer. | Proceedings of the 3rd European Forum for Continuing Education: Perspectives of Continuing Professional Development (Eds. M.Horvat, F.Reichl, M.Stierle), 9-11.11.1994, Vienna, Austria, pp. 265-270. |
Cernetic,J., M.Mulej, F.Drozg | (1995). | Designing large-scale control systems by integrating a hard and a soft systems approach. | Proc. of the 12th Int. Conf. on Systems Science, Vol.II: Systems Engineering - Control Engineering, Flexible Manufacturing Systems, Wroclaw, Poland, pp. 43-52. |
Cernetic,J. | (1996). | Dopolnilno izobrazevanje v tehnologiji vodenja: znanja iz teorije in prakse - preko laboratorija - za prakticno uporabo v slovenskih podjetjih. | Elektrotehniski vestnik, Vol 63, No. 1, p. 37. |
Cernetic,J. | (1996). | Prek laboratorija - za prakticno uporabo v slovenskih podjetjih. | DELO, 14. februar, p. 10. |
Cernetic,J., M.Mulej, F.Drozg | (1996). | Organizacijske inovacije - pogoj za uspeh informatiziranja in avtomatiziranja vodenja proizvodnih procesov ter za ustreznost poslovanja standardu iso 9000. | Nase gospodarstvo, Vol. 42, No. 1-2, pp. 184-192. |
Cernetic,J., M.Rihar, S.Strmcnik and D.Brandt | (1996). | Human orientation - an important sucess factor in applying control technology. | 13th Triennial World Congress, IFAC '96, June 30 - July 5, San Francisco, USA, Vol B, pp. 345-350. |
Cernetic,J. | (1997). | Innovations based on combining the knowledge of economy and engineering - the case of control technology. | Nase gospodarstvo, Vol. 43, st. 1/2, pp. 106-117. |
Cernetic,J. and J.Hudovernik | (1997). | Considering human behaviour styles in automation systems. | Preprints of 6th IFAC Symposium Automated Systems Based on Human Skill, September 17-19, Kranjska gora, Slovenia, pp. 253-256. |
Cizman,A. and J.Cernetic | (1995). | Linking organization, management and production control. | Production Economics and Logistics Forum, Vols. 1-2, pp. 287-296. |
Cizman,A., J.Cernetic | (1995). | Relations between organisation and infrmation systems in computer-integrated production. | Preprints of the 5th IFAC Symposium on Automated Systems Based on Human Skill, Discussion Group VIII: Sociotechnical Design of Production, Berlin, Germany, pp. 230-234. |
Cizman,A., J.Cernetic | (1995). | Organisation and information systems in integrated computer aided production. | Zbornik abstraktov, 1. Slovenska konferenca o menedzmentu, Bled, pp. 34 |
Cizman,A., M.Kac, F.Kranjc, V.Jovan | (1996). | Informatizacija podjetja mitol d.d.. | IJS DP-7431. |
Cizman,A., J.Cernetic | (1997). | Improving manufacturing efficiency with business intelligence software (BIS). | Preprints of 6th IFAC Symposium Automated Systems Based on Human Skill, September 17-19, Kranjska gora, Slovenia, pp. 163-166. |
Colaric,T., I.Brelih, A.Sazonov, V.Jovan, S.Gerksic | (1997). | Porocilo o pregledu strojno-energetskih naprav na tunelski peci Rence IV in predlogi ukrepov za zmanjanje porabe plina. | IJS DP-7632. |
Cretnik,J. | (1988). | Simple methods for computation of a minimal representation of a system in state-space. | Electron. Letters. 24, pp. 752-753. |
Cretnik,J. and S. Strmcnik | (1988). | Design of combustion controller. | In A. Sydow et al. (Eds.) Systems Analysis and Simulation, Akad. Vlg., Berlin, Vol I, pp. 270-273. |
Cretnik,J. | (1990). | A case study of tuning control of the combustion process. | Prepr. IMACS/IFAC Symp. "Mathematical and Intelligent Models in System Simulation", Brussels, pp. VIII.B.5/6. |
Cretnik,J. | (1991). | A case study of self tuning control of the combustion process. | In J.C.Baltzer (Ed.) Mathematical and Intelligence Models in System Simulations, Scientific Publishing Co., pp. 697-702. |
Cretnik,J., J.Petrovcic, A.Bitenc | (1992). | A design and implementation of a combustion controller mmc-90. | Prepr. International Symposium on Control of Power Plants and Power Systems, Munchen, pp. 273-278. |
Cretnik,J. | (1993). | Brez fosilnih goriv se ne moremo, zato pa jih vsaj dobro izrabimo: racionalizacija procesov izgorevanja. | Delo, Znanje za razvoj, 5. Maj. |
Cretnik,J. | (1993). | Modern automatic combustion control. | Proceedings of IMACS/IFAC Second International Symposium on: Mathematical and Intelligent Models in System Simulation, Brussels, Belgium, Vol. 2, pp. 102-107. |
Cretnik,J., J.Petrovcic, A.Bitenc, M.Dolanc, D.Vrancic, G.Godena | (1993). | Regulacija parnega kotla k1 v tovarni sladkorja ormoz. | Zbornik ERK '93, Portoroz, pp. A: 309-312. |
Cuk,D., V.Jovan, J.Stibilj | (1995). | Zasnova vodenja susilnic v goriskih opekarnah - obrat Rence IV. | IJS DP-7226. |
Cuk,D., V.Jovan, J.Stibilj, M.Rihar | (1995). | Potrebna racunalniska oprema za vodenje susilnic na objektu goriske opekarne obrat Rence IV. | IJS DP-7178. |
Cuk,D., T.Kvasic, V.Jovan, S.Gerksic, T.Colaric, I.Brelih, J.Stibilj, E.Saksida | (1997). | Idejni projekt racunalniskega vodenja tunelske peci v Gorikih opekarnah - obrata Rence IV | IJS DP-7643. |
Denolin,E., D.Vrancic, M.Kinnaert,D.Juricic and J.Petrovcic |
(1997). | Model-based diagnosis for a gas-liquid separation unit. | Preprints on IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection and Safety for Technical Processes - SAFEPROCESS '97, Kingston Upon Hull, UK, August 26-28, Vol. 1, pp. 228-233. |
Dolanc,G., E.Krasevec | (1995). | Projektiranje i realizacija sistema za vodenje sarznog procesa. | Zbornik radova savjetovanja MIPRO '95, Rijeka, Hrvatska, pp. 2.31-2.36. |
Dolanc,G., E.Krasevec, S.Strmcnik | (1995). | Ceneni sistem za vodenje laboratorijskega sarznega procesa kot osnova za raziskave inteligentnega vodenja. | Elektrotehniski vestnik, 62 (5), pp. 276-285. |
Dolanc,G., V.Jovan | (1995). | Racunalnisko vodenje susilnic v obratu za proizvodnjo opecnih izdelkov. | Zbornik ERK '95, Portoroz, pp. A: 245-248. |
Dolanc,G., V.Jovan | (1995). | Izvedba meritev v susilnicah Goriskih opekarn - obrat Rence. | IJS DP-7225. |
Dolanc,G. | (1996). | Modeliranje testnega hidravlicnega procesa za potrebe odkrivanja napak. | Zbornik ERK '96, Portoroz, Vol. A, pp. 277-280. |
Dolanc,G. and V.Jovan | (1996). | Racunalno vodenje susionih komora u proizvodnji opeke. | MIPRO '96, May 20.-24., Rijeka, Croatia, pp. 2/86-2/91. |
Dolanc,G., V.Jovan | (1997). | Computer control of a drying process in a clay product plant. | Elektrotehni[ki vestnik, Vol. 64 (1), pp. 52-57. |
Dolanc,G. | (1997). | Modelling and simulation of a test hydraulic benchmark process. | Preprints of 11th European Simulation Multiconference, ESM '97, June 1-4, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 423-427. |
Dolanc,G., V.Jovan | (1997). | Improvement of the drying process control in a clay product plant. | Preprints of IFAC/IMACS Conference on Control of Industrial Systems, 20-22 May, Belfort, France, Vol. 3/3, pp. 594-599. |
Dolanc,G., V.Jovan | (1997). | Optimization of brick production combining human experience and controller performance. | Preprints of 6th IFAC Symposium on Automated Systems Based on Human Skill, September 17-19, Kranjska gora, Slovenia, pp. 281-284. |
Dolanc,G., J.Petrovcic | (1997). | Regulacija koncentracije kisika pri postopku sintranja feromagnetnih izdelkov. | Zbornik ERK '97, Portoroz, Vol. A, pp. 213-216. |
Dolanc,G., D.Juricic, A.Rakar, J.Petrovcic, D.Vrancic | (1997). | Three-tank benchmark test. | Copernicus Project Report CT94-02337. |
Filipic,B., D.Juricic | (1993). | An interactive genetic algorithm for controller parameter optimization. | Artificial Neural Nets and Genetic Algorithms (Eds: R.F.Albrecht, C.R.Reeves, N.C.Steele), Springer-Verlag, Wien, New York, pp. 458-462. |
Filipic,B. and D.Juricic | (1996). | A genetic algorithm to support learning fuzzy control rules from examples. | Genetic Algorithms and Soft Computing (F.Herrera, J.L.Verdegay (Eds.)), Physica-Verlag, A Springer-Verlag Company, pp. 403-418. |