

A - F G - I J - N O - R S - U V - Z

The bibliography consists of a selection of works from the period 1980 to 1992 and a complete list of references starting with 1993.

Patents and patent pendings

Registered designs

Technical improvements

Bavdaz,G., N.Hvala in J.Kocijan (1998). Stroškovno optimalno vodenje šarznega reaktorja za cišcenje odplak. Zbornik ERK '98, Portoroz, pp. A: 355-358.
Balle,P., D.Juricic, A.Rakar, S.Ernst (1997). Identification of nonlinear processes and model based fault isolation based on local linear fuzzy models. Proc. of the American Control Conference, ACC '97, June 4-6, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Vol. 1, pp. 47-51.
Bastic,S., D.Vrancic (1997). Nastavljanje modificiranega PI in PID regulatorja z metodo povrsin. IJS DP-7799.
Bitenc,A., J.Cretnik, J.Petrovcic, S.Strmcnik (1992). Design and application of an industrial controller. Computing & Control Engineering Journal, Vol. 3, pp. 29-34.
Cernetic,J., S.Strmcnik, M.Pokorny, R.Modic (1980). Optimization of discrete additions of substrate during the batch biosynthesis of antibiotic. 3th IFAC Conf. on System Approach for Development, Rabat, pp. 163-170.
Cernetic,J., S.Strmcnik, F.Bremsak, R.Modic (1981). Mathematical model of the batch chemical reactor for optimizing the sequence of reactant additions. Proc. 1st Conf. "Applied Modelling and Simulation", Lyon, Vol.4, pp. 42-45.
Cernetic,J., S.Strmcnik, J.Petrovcic, D.Slebinger (1983). Laboratory set-up for investigation of thermo-hydraulic control systems. IEE Int. Conf. Simulators, Brighton, pp. 182-186.
Cernetic,J. and S.Strmcnik (1992). Automation success factors as seen from a developing country. Proc. IFAC/IMACS/IFIP Workshop on Cultural Aspects of Automation, Krems, pp. 34-41.
Cernetic,J. (1993). Projekt dejavno ucenje avtomatskega vodenja. dopolnilno izobrazevanje po meri nasega gospodarstva. Delo, Znanje za razvoj, 4. Julij.
Cernetic,J. and S.Strmcnik (1993). Automation in slovenia - some experience and a vision. Industrial Convention on the Factory of the Future, Toulose, France.
Cernetic,J., M.Subelj, N.Selic-Podgorsek (1994). Batch chemical treatment of TiO2 - process design and control. Computers chem. Engng., Vol. 18, Suppl., pp. S195-S199.
Cernetic,J., S.Strmcnik (1994). A continuing education project supporting technology transfer. Proceedings of the 3rd European Forum for Continuing Education: Perspectives of Continuing Professional Development (Eds. M.Horvat, F.Reichl, M.Stierle), 9-11.11.1994, Vienna, Austria, pp. 265-270.
Cernetic,J., M.Mulej, F.Drozg (1995). Designing large-scale control systems by integrating a hard and a soft systems approach. Proc. of the 12th Int. Conf. on Systems Science, Vol.II: Systems Engineering - Control Engineering, Flexible Manufacturing Systems, Wroclaw, Poland, pp. 43-52.
Cernetic,J. (1996). Dopolnilno izobrazevanje v tehnologiji vodenja: znanja iz teorije in prakse - preko laboratorija - za prakticno uporabo v slovenskih podjetjih. Elektrotehniski vestnik, Vol 63, No. 1, p. 37.
Cernetic,J. (1996). Prek laboratorija - za prakticno uporabo v slovenskih podjetjih. DELO, 14. februar, p. 10.
Cernetic,J., M.Mulej, F.Drozg (1996). Organizacijske inovacije - pogoj za uspeh informatiziranja in avtomatiziranja vodenja proizvodnih procesov ter za ustreznost poslovanja standardu iso 9000. Nase gospodarstvo, Vol. 42, No. 1-2, pp. 184-192.
Cernetic,J., M.Rihar, S.Strmcnik and D.Brandt (1996). Human orientation - an important sucess factor in applying control technology. 13th Triennial World Congress, IFAC '96, June 30 - July 5, San Francisco, USA, Vol B, pp. 345-350.
Cernetic,J. (1997). Innovations based on combining the knowledge of economy and engineering - the case of control technology. Nase gospodarstvo, Vol. 43, st. 1/2, pp. 106-117.
Cernetic,J. and J.Hudovernik (1997). Considering human behaviour styles in automation systems. Preprints of 6th IFAC Symposium Automated Systems Based on Human Skill, September 17-19, Kranjska gora, Slovenia, pp. 253-256.
Cizman,A. and J.Cernetic (1995). Linking organization, management and production control. Production Economics and Logistics Forum, Vols. 1-2, pp. 287-296.
Cizman,A., J.Cernetic (1995). Relations between organisation and infrmation systems in computer-integrated production. Preprints of the 5th IFAC Symposium on Automated Systems Based on Human Skill, Discussion Group VIII: Sociotechnical Design of Production, Berlin, Germany, pp. 230-234.
Cizman,A., J.Cernetic (1995). Organisation and information systems in integrated computer aided production. Zbornik abstraktov, 1. Slovenska konferenca o menedzmentu, Bled, pp. 34
Cizman,A., M.Kac, F.Kranjc, V.Jovan (1996). Informatizacija podjetja mitol d.d.. IJS DP-7431.
Cizman,A., J.Cernetic (1997). Improving manufacturing efficiency with business intelligence software (BIS). Preprints of 6th IFAC Symposium Automated Systems Based on Human Skill, September 17-19, Kranjska gora, Slovenia, pp. 163-166.
Colaric,T., I.Brelih, A.Sazonov, V.Jovan, S.Gerksic (1997). Porocilo o pregledu strojno-energetskih naprav na tunelski peci Rence IV in predlogi ukrepov za zmanjšanje porabe plina. IJS DP-7632.
Cretnik,J. (1988). Simple methods for computation of a minimal representation of a system in state-space. Electron. Letters. 24, pp. 752-753.
Cretnik,J. and S. Strmcnik (1988). Design of combustion controller. In A. Sydow et al. (Eds.) Systems Analysis and Simulation, Akad. Vlg., Berlin, Vol I, pp. 270-273.
Cretnik,J. (1990). A case study of tuning control of the combustion process. Prepr. IMACS/IFAC Symp. "Mathematical and Intelligent Models in System Simulation", Brussels, pp. VIII.B.5/6.
Cretnik,J. (1991). A case study of self tuning control of the combustion process. In J.C.Baltzer (Ed.) Mathematical and Intelligence Models in System Simulations, Scientific Publishing Co., pp. 697-702.
Cretnik,J., J.Petrovcic, A.Bitenc (1992). A design and implementation of a combustion controller mmc-90. Prepr. International Symposium on Control of Power Plants and Power Systems, Munchen, pp. 273-278.
Cretnik,J. (1993). Brez fosilnih goriv se ne moremo, zato pa jih vsaj dobro izrabimo: racionalizacija procesov izgorevanja. Delo, Znanje za razvoj, 5. Maj.
Cretnik,J. (1993). Modern automatic combustion control. Proceedings of IMACS/IFAC Second International Symposium on: Mathematical and Intelligent Models in System Simulation, Brussels, Belgium, Vol. 2, pp. 102-107.
Cretnik,J., J.Petrovcic, A.Bitenc, M.Dolanc, D.Vrancic, G.Godena (1993). Regulacija parnega kotla k1 v tovarni sladkorja ormoz. Zbornik ERK '93, Portoroz, pp. A: 309-312.
Cuk,D., V.Jovan, J.Stibilj (1995). Zasnova vodenja susilnic v goriskih opekarnah - obrat Rence IV. IJS DP-7226.
Cuk,D., V.Jovan, J.Stibilj, M.Rihar (1995). Potrebna racunalniska oprema za vodenje susilnic na objektu goriske opekarne obrat Rence IV. IJS DP-7178.
Cuk,D., T.Kvasic, V.Jovan, S.Gerksic, T.Colaric, I.Brelih, J.Stibilj, E.Saksida (1997). Idejni projekt racunalniskega vodenja tunelske peci v Goriških opekarnah - obrata Rence IV IJS DP-7643.
Denolin,E., D.Vrancic, M.Kinnaert,D.Juricic
and J.Petrovcic
(1997). Model-based diagnosis for a gas-liquid separation unit. Preprints on IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection and Safety for Technical Processes - SAFEPROCESS '97, Kingston Upon Hull, UK, August 26-28, Vol. 1, pp. 228-233.
Dolanc,G., E.Krasevec (1995). Projektiranje i realizacija sistema za vodenje sarznog procesa. Zbornik radova savjetovanja MIPRO '95, Rijeka, Hrvatska, pp. 2.31-2.36.
Dolanc,G., E.Krasevec, S.Strmcnik (1995). Ceneni sistem za vodenje laboratorijskega sarznega procesa kot osnova za raziskave inteligentnega vodenja. Elektrotehniski vestnik, 62 (5), pp. 276-285.
Dolanc,G., V.Jovan (1995). Racunalnisko vodenje susilnic v obratu za proizvodnjo opecnih izdelkov. Zbornik ERK '95, Portoroz, pp. A: 245-248.
Dolanc,G., V.Jovan (1995). Izvedba meritev v susilnicah Goriskih opekarn - obrat Rence. IJS DP-7225.
Dolanc,G. (1996). Modeliranje testnega hidravlicnega procesa za potrebe odkrivanja napak. Zbornik ERK '96, Portoroz, Vol. A, pp. 277-280.
Dolanc,G. and V.Jovan (1996). Racunalno vodenje susionih komora u proizvodnji opeke. MIPRO '96, May 20.-24., Rijeka, Croatia, pp. 2/86-2/91.
Dolanc,G., V.Jovan (1997). Computer control of a drying process in a clay product plant. Elektrotehni[ki vestnik, Vol. 64 (1), pp. 52-57.
Dolanc,G. (1997). Modelling and simulation of a test hydraulic benchmark process. Preprints of 11th European Simulation Multiconference, ESM '97, June 1-4, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 423-427.
Dolanc,G., V.Jovan (1997). Improvement of the drying process control in a clay product plant. Preprints of IFAC/IMACS Conference on Control of Industrial Systems, 20-22 May, Belfort, France, Vol. 3/3, pp. 594-599.
Dolanc,G., V.Jovan (1997). Optimization of brick production combining human experience and controller performance. Preprints of 6th IFAC Symposium on Automated Systems Based on Human Skill, September 17-19, Kranjska gora, Slovenia, pp. 281-284.
Dolanc,G., J.Petrovcic (1997). Regulacija koncentracije kisika pri postopku sintranja feromagnetnih izdelkov. Zbornik ERK '97, Portoroz, Vol. A, pp. 213-216.
Dolanc,G., D.Juricic, A.Rakar, J.Petrovcic, D.Vrancic (1997). Three-tank benchmark test. Copernicus Project Report CT94-02337.
Filipic,B., D.Juricic (1993). An interactive genetic algorithm for controller parameter optimization. Artificial Neural Nets and Genetic Algorithms (Eds: R.F.Albrecht, C.R.Reeves, N.C.Steele), Springer-Verlag, Wien, New York, pp. 458-462.
Filipic,B. and D.Juricic (1996). A genetic algorithm to support learning fuzzy control rules from examples. Genetic Algorithms and Soft Computing (F.Herrera, J.L.Verdegay (Eds.)), Physica-Verlag, A Springer-Verlag Company, pp. 403-418.